The Asterix returned to Halifax this morning, and anchored in the Basin for Asian Gypsy Moth Inspection. it will move to Jetty NN – which is the Bedford Magazine, and then finally tie up at Pier 9.

Asterix’s arrival completes a 502-day deployment involving a wide range of international naval exercises, real world operations and diplomatic visits throughout the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean, South China Sea, Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf.
Since Federal Fleet Service’s Combat Support Ship departed Halifax on the 11th April 2018, she has sailed 150,721 nautical miles – the equivalent of five times around the world.
During the deployment, Asterix completed 197 supply operations with 40 Canadian, NATO and allied warships from 12 different countries; supplying 30.8 million litres of ship’s fuel and over 530,000 litres of aircraft fuel.
The Ship is due to head to Davie for a work period in October.