last night a single craned worked the emskip vessel Selfoss at pier 42. Selfoss sailed at 1am this morning.
A Cessna 206 Float plane made a forced landing in Turf Lake, about 1.5nm short of Runway 23 at Halifax airport. The plane had declared an emergency with an engine power problem, and Airport emergency services were on standby at the side of the runway.
Just after passing 3 miles final, the pilot determined he couldn’t make the runway, and opted to land in a lake. The pilot was uninjured, and was rescued by a fire crews in a boat a short time later.
The following took place in less then 4 minutes. The occurrence aircraft’s registration is C-GBHL, and is refereed to by ATC as “Bravo Hotel Lima” i simplified that to BHL below.
ATC: hes about 3.5 miles final approach
Red6: <garbled>
ATC: there are some small lakes on the approach, nothing particularity large.
BHL: field in sight
ATC: advise if you need any help
BHL: ok
BHL: Im going to put it into this lake just to my left
ATC : ok check that, wind at the field 247 at 7 altimeter 2980 advise when you are on the ground.
BHL: will do
ATC: red6 ground, hes going to try to put it into a lake about a mile and half out.
red6: <garbled>
ATC: thats correct.
BHL: BHL is on the lake
ATC: ok check that. BHL when your put away there give us a call on the phone i have the number when able.
BHL: ok at this point no assistance is required immediately
the plane was built in 1981, and
Over at AtlanticMX.ca I have assembled Marine Occurrence data, and mapped it.
The data was obtained from the Transportation Safety Board’s MARSIS Database,
and contains over 48000 incidents in Canada, and involving Canadian Vessels from 1975 to June 2021.
Each point represents a reported occurrence, and clicking it will provide basic details about an occurrence, and an occurrence narrative. Note older data can be problematic, and some locations are approximate.
The MARIS Database is a series of CSV files containing details on Marine occurrences. These files were joined, and a Json file generated which is used to render the Map Above. The files are updated on the 19th each month.
Sadly timing didnt work out for me to catch the RCN Sailpast and Fly over today. I Say RCN, as the Americans sailed early, and the french were late, but 3 frigates, 4 MCDV’s, a submarine and Asterix sailed out of the harbour today for Exercise Cutlass Fury 21, which runs to Sept 16th.
Ships Anchored in the basin starting at 0930 this morning. FS Aquiaine (Below) of the French Marine Nationial, and (Above) Asterix and HMCS Moncton wearing a western approaches disruptive paint scheme.