Not much happening, An AC Flight inbound, and a touch and go, both on runway 32.

The Acadia Desgagnes returned to Halifax for reflagging to Canada. Over the summer, the ship works out of Quebec to resupply arctic communities. it then finds work on the international market in winter and is reflagged in Barbados with an international Crew.
She stopped in Halifax for the same reason since she was acquired in 2017. I missed her last year, but caught her in 2019 and 2018
The 16,022teu CMA-CGM Marco-Polo arrived tonight, setting the Halifax, Canadian, and Eastern North American records for largest container ship to call. The full list of previous records can be found in this post
Crowds in the parking lot at Point Pleasant were so great for the ships 9:45pm Arrival that the police reportedly closed the parking lot to additional arrivals. For Comparison sake, compare with the Panamax MSC vessel in front. (below)
The ship is currently scheduled to sail at 6pm, on the 18th. I hope to get some daylight photos tomorrow.
Halifax Shipyard achieved two milestones this week. The HMCS Margaret Brooke completed several days of sea trials off the coast of Nova Scotia. The Ship departed the shipyard the afternoon of the 7th, and returned Tuesday morning.
The bow mega block was rolled out May 8th for ship number 3, the future HMCS Max Bernays, and positioned to join the rear two thirds of the ship already outside. The ship is scheduled to enter the water in the fall.
The Kwartha Spirit underwent some work earlier this spring in Woodside, and included a new coat of paint. The vessel traded it white hull, for Navy Blue, but retained its very Ontario name.
The Kwartha Spirit replaced the Haligonian III, in Murphys fleet. an almost identical vessel, its actually a few years older then the vessel it replaced, a feat possible due to the fact the kwartha spirit spent her life in Ontario, and sailed only in Fresh Water.