Previous Years: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
2021 was a bit of a slow year. I spent a Week on Sable Island (more)
Port News
The cruise season was canceled. Halifax Fire’s new Fire boat arrived, and Theodore Tugboat moved to Hamilton.

CMA-CGM Marco Polo set the Size record for largest containership to call, coming in at 16022teu. Threat of a Strike leg to the stockpiling of Road Salt on Pier 9
The Bluenose Turned 100, and Laser dinghy designer Bruce Kirby Died. CSS Acadia finally went to a shipyard for Hull work. The Bridge Commission released a report looking into options for a New Mackay bridge. The Seaport market moved to make way for PIER.

Singelgracht was towed into port, Imedghassen and Giulia 1 had engine troubles, and took a rogue wave respectively. Hydra Mariner went agound. F/V Atlantic Destiny Caught fire and Sank. The Ever Given blocked the Suez, a float plane was forced to land short of YHZ in a lake. Zim Kingston Caught fire off victoria.
New Builds and Repairs
Mega blocks for Max Bernays were rolled out, and the ship launched. Margaret Brooke completed trials. The New Large naval tugs were named.
CG Lifeboats were transported to BC by Atlantic condor. CCGS Hudson had more work done on her, and CCGS Edward Cornwallis was renamed as part of her refit.
Visiting Ships
Exercise Cutlass Fury 21 took place, with FS Aquitaine joining the RCN. OP Nannok saw USCGC Escanaba and USCGC Richard Synder Participating.