Maersk Penang stopped in Halifax today. the ship spent the weekend in Saint john where it was trailing the port there with CP rail as the Carrier. The ship sailed over the dinner hour bound for Montreal.
Maersk Normally calls on Halifax westbound, after stopping in Montreal.
Though the federal government has yet to publicly announce the new name for the CCGS Edward Cornwallis which is currently undergoing refit at Shelburne ship repair, they have updated the Canadian Vessel Registry with it.
CCGS Edward Cornwallis is now registered as CCGS Kopit Hopson 1752.
The name is a reference to the 2 signatories of the 1752 Peace and friendship treaty between the Mi’kmaq people and the British which was signed By Chief Kopit, and Cornwallis’ successor as Governor of Nova Scotia, Peregrine Thomas Hopson in November 1752.
Last March I devoted a post and a herald column to advocating for the ship to be renamed post refit.
Algoma Integrity and ONE Magnificence spent the day at anchor in the basin waiting on wind to improve at the pilot station. both got underway after 9pm
The 20000TEU Ever Given lost power and wedged itself into the bank of the Suez Canal, blocking traffic in both directions. The Suez Canal saves about 12 days sailing time around Africa, so right now shipping lines are likely trying to decide if its better to wait or divert, knowing their schedules are now going to be thrown out of whack by the closure.
There look to be about 8 tugs on scene, and there is an excavator digging sand at the bow. Below is a photo and narrative for a crew member on the US Flagged Maersk Denver.
Several Halifax Services including the Oceans Alliance (CMA-CGM) and The Alliance (Hapag-Lloyd) rely on routing through the SUEZ Canal
UPDATE – ships managers are claiming all machinery was in working order, so the reason for the grounding is unclear. The ship is still stuck
The Ridgebury Lindy B arrived at anchorage 1 after discharging her load of crude oil in Saint John. The Ship spent 2 days in Halifax with divers from RMI working on the vessel.
the ship was built in 2007, and sailed this evening for Come By Chance NL. With the CLosing of the refineries in Dartmouth, crude oil tankers have become a rare sight in Halifax.
Siem Hanne has been sold. The ship is now PSV Hakan, flagged in Panama, and is Istanbul as her destination.
There was some thought that the ship would go back to Siem, Secunda’s parent company with no further work in the Nova Scotia Offshore, but it looks as though it has been outright sold.
The ship had been laid up at COVE with fleetmate Siem Commander. Siem Commander did manage to find some towing work, but has otherwise been laid up at COVE.
HMCS Windsor has completed her recent work period and has spent the past week exercising in the Bedford Basin. Windsor is currently the only sub on the east coast, Corner Brook, Chicoutimi and Victoria are all currently on the west coast.
British Airways 777. BA is running a daily cargo flight with freight for Michelin.Sable Aviation’s BN-2A Britten Norman Islander which lands on the beach on Sable Island.EHS Llifeflight was rolled out, Spooled Up, then shut down and put away.WS4745 departing for TorontoWS2231 departing for Calgary
This post needed an update. the original version was spurred by a March 2021 announcement that the province would be placing an AED in every school in the province. I asked if we taught CPR in schools. – We Don’t.
I first learned CPR in Grade 8, back in 1994, in school (in Ottawa). We should add this to the school curriculum. its a life skill. Its also important if we want to improve outcomes for patients who suffer sudden cardiac arrest.
The latest information I can find shows that the survival rate for out of hospital cardiac arrest in Nova Scotia is around 6%. Put bluntly, if you are a victim of sudden cardiac arrest, you will probably not survive. Many jurisdictions however have survival rates closer to 70%.
The Key to that massive jump in survival rates is prompt intervention by bystanders.
Bystander CPR is Critical. If you see someone collapse, and call 911, it will take at least 5 minutes for help to arrive. The chances of survival decrease by 10% for every minute without CPR. This fall, EHS will begin to provide telephone CPR instruction. This is good, but you can also learn the skill in advance . The video below can teach you to do effective CPR in less then 2 minutes. (or go take a course)
The second key piece to improving survival rates is bystander defibrillation. Research tells us that the sooner Defibrillation can be applied the better, and should happen within 3-5 minutes. ideally the goal for defibrillation should be 2.5 minutes. In any event, defibrillation needs to occur before professional responder’s can be expected to arrive.
This means AEDs need to be readily available. The average person can walk 400m in about 4 minutes, meaning you need to be within 200m of an AED if your going to rely on it. I did a quick analysis to see what areas fall within 200m of a Public Access AED in Halifax.
The map above is based on data from the EHS AED registry. The analysis is imperfect, as it only assumes a 200m as the crow flys radius around each AED, and makes no allowances for vertical height, or obstructions on the ground. In short it overstates the actual AED Coverage area.
AED’s will tell you how to use them. you simply need to open the cover, or press the on Button. Below is 90 second video on AED use.
Research tells us that vertical living can also greatly effect you chances of survival. A 2016 study suggests that those suffering sudden cardiac arrest on the third floor or below, are twice as likely to survive as those living above the third floor. In an analysis by floor, survival was less then 1% above floor 16, and there were no survivors above the 25th floor.
If you have an AED, register it with EHS at if your building doesn’t have an AED, you should get one, especially if it is over 3 stories.
You – probably have a few questions:
Q: Hands only CPR – is that it? yes it is. Studies have shown that rapid CPR is essential to improving survive ability of cardiac events. get the blood flowing again as fast as you can.
Q: what about breaths? not that important. there is still quite a bit of oxygen in the blood, but it needs to circulate. Plus, breaths are gross – they subject you to communicable diseases, and people having cpr done to them tend to throw up.
Q: Don’t I need Training? Ideally, yes. training will give you practice, and have your technique evaluated by a Professional. In the case of a sudden cardiac arrest, nothing you do will make the situation worse for the patient. you can only help.
Q:What happens when responders arrive? fire departments are trained to Health Care provider level CPR. They have tools to secure airways, and start providing breaths. Paramedics come with a collection of drugs and more advanced tools.
RMI Seafox and a barge were seen out in the basin servicing some of the Navy’s Mooring Buoys. These buoys are anchored to the seabed, and allow navy vessels to tie up via their bow Fair lead.
This particular trot Buoy is located just south of the DRDC Barge. Below is a diagram of the setup of such a buoy.