Category Archives: Aviation

Night Howl

The Mega Yacht Night Howl Moved out into the harbour to land a Helicopter this afternoon. Not something you see every day.

The AS-50 Helicopter departed Danbury Connecticut on Saturday, Arriving at YHZ on Sunday morning, before making a 10 minute flight to the yacht just after 3pm.

Night Howl is owned by Rich Handler, who is CEO of the investment firm Jefferies. he purchased the yacht earlier this year for 65million, selling stock in the firm to fund the purchase. The yacht was reportedly previously owned by Tilman Fertitta, who’s worth $11.8 billion, is best known for operating the Golden Nugget casinos and owning the Houston Rockets


HMS Prince of Wales, the UK’s second aircraft carrier sailed for a North American Deployment a couple of days ago. On the way out of Portsmouth, it appears the ship may have struck bottom, and suffered an issue with her Starboard shaft or propeller. She is now at anchor, undergoing inspections.

HMS Prince of Wales was reportedly due to visit Halifax this fall, and under go some exercises with a US Carrier Group.

This brings us to the C-2 greyhound, the US Navy’s carrier capable cargo plane, a variant of the E-2 Hawkeye, the plane features a bigger body, but same engines, tail and wings. This particular plane arrived at YHZ yesterday from Norfolk, and returned this afternoon. Flying as Rawhd75, the plane belongs to VRC-40 rawhides squadron.

Air Show Atlantic

After a 2 year hiatus, Air show Atlantic returned this past weekend to Debert CQQ3.
A full Photo gallery is posted to my Flickr page, containing 1400 images.

Missing from the show were the Snowbirds, who are operationally paused, and an Ukrainian L-29 Delfin was also unable to attend due to IMC conditions on its flight down.

The SkyHawks, the Forces Parachute demo team put on a show, leaping from a Short Skyvan (below), AKA the flying shoebox. CQQ3’s runways are 5000′ long, to short to safely operate a larger aircraft.

The North American Harvard MkII, was built as a trainer for air crews during the Second world war. The Yak-55m was a Soviet design built to dominate the World Acrobatic Championships. The yak-55 first flew in 1981, the M variant with shorter wings entered production in 1991.

Flying in formation, a Pitts Model 12, and a Nanchang CJ-6A

The RCAF provided a 3 pass flyby of the Aurora, and the CF-18 demo team performed.

The Static Display included a RCAF CH-148 Cyclone, CCGS Bell 412, NS DNR Airbus AS350, Forest Protection Ltd. Air Tractor and Gonzo – the DHC-8 with a long nose used by the RCAF for navigation training.

Retired Buffalo


I first visited the Airforce Heritage Park in Summerside PEI back in 2013. In the Fall of 2021, a Buffalo was flown to the park from Comox, and installed. The Buffalo as a type was retired earlier this year, to be replaced by the Airbus C-295 Kingfisher.

The Buffalo was designed and built by de Havilland Aircraft Canada and was given the type designation of DHC-5. The RCAF ordered 15, and in RCAF service it was known as the CC-115. the Type was in operation from 1967 until earlier this year, and were based in Summerside, Saint-Hubert, Trenton, Edmonton and Comox.

The Buffalo severed as a medium transport until it was transitioned exclusively for SAR use in the 1975. by the 2000’s the type was flown solely out of Comox. After retirement, the 6 final aircraft went to the National Air and Space museum, Summerside, Winipeg, The Airforce Museum in Trenton, Comox Air Force Museum, and the 6th to be used for firefighter training at Borden.

CFB Summerside closed in 1991, and units moved to Greenwood.

Parc Jaques De Lesseps

Montreal airport has a plane spotting park. its fantastic.

back in 2012, the airport authority took a piece of land next to runway 6r, added a mound of earth so you can see over the fence, some bleachers and benches and garbage cans, and created a great spot for kids of all ages.

there were the scanner toting hard core Av geeks (myself included) but also lots of family’s and couples. YUL sees the standard mix of Canadian Domestic Flights

Normal Operations at YUL have arrivals on one runway, and departures on the other, however the other runway was closed, so all operations were happening on 6r

This past weekend was the Mortreal Grand Prix, so there was a fair number of Biz Jets arriving and departing. Bombardier also has a facility at YUL, so several test flights were also underway, including this jet with its ram air turbine deployed. (Below)

The Full 850+ photo Gallery can be found on Flickr

Float Plane looses power, land on lake short of YHZ

A Cessna 206 Float plane made a forced landing in Turf Lake, about 1.5nm short of Runway 23 at Halifax airport. The plane had declared an emergency with an engine power problem, and Airport emergency services were on standby at the side of the runway.

Just after passing 3 miles final, the pilot determined he couldn’t make the runway, and opted to land in a lake. The pilot was uninjured, and was rescued by a fire crews in a boat a short time later.

The following took place in less then 4 minutes. The occurrence aircraft’s registration is C-GBHL, and is refereed to by ATC as “Bravo Hotel Lima” i simplified that to BHL below.

ATC: hes about 3.5 miles final approach
Red6: <garbled>
ATC: there are some small lakes on the approach, nothing particularity large.
BHL: field in sight
ATC: advise if you need any help
BHL: ok
BHL: Im going to put it into this lake just to my left
ATC : ok check that, wind at the field 247 at 7 altimeter 2980 advise when you are on the ground.
BHL: will do
ATC: red6 ground, hes going to try to put it into a lake about a mile and half out.
red6: <garbled>
ATC: thats correct.
BHL: BHL is on the lake
ATC: ok check that. BHL when your put away there give us a call on the phone i have the number when able.
BHL: ok at this point no assistance is required immediately

the plane was built in 1981, and

This week in the herald

This week I talk about the importance of upgrading our Aeronautical SAR Assets – both the equipment and level of service.

Incidentally, The Norwegian program to buy 16 new Helicopters, currently under way, is valued at 4.8 billion NOK, which is about 2.1 billion CAD.

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