Category Archives: yacht

SailGP comes to Halifax

SailGP comes to Canada and Halifax for the First time this weekend. The series, created by Oracle founder Larry Ellison, is currently in its 4th season. 10 teams, will race F50 one-design multi-hulls around the Harbour Saturday and Sunday. Both days will feature 3 races, with the final race only including the top teams from the previous 5 races.

The Boats are an evolution of the 2017 AC50 boats used for the Americas Cup, and 3 of the hulls were raced in that Americas Cup. as a one design series, all the boats are identical, so winning comes down to ability of the crew of 6 – Helmsman, 2 grinders, tactician, trimmer and flight controller. The F50 name drives from Foiling, and the boats length 50′. if you look closely, you will see the boats skimming through the water on a single foil on the downwind side of the vessel.

The boats typically race at 60-80km/h depending on wind conditions, with the top speed of 99.94km/h being recorded in 2022.

Guyot heading back to Europe

Guyot, a IMOCA 60 competing in the Ocean Race was bound for Newport RI when it was demasted in a storm. The boat made its way to Halifax after taking fuel from a container ship, and under a jury rig.

The Boat was hauled out this afternoon at Fairview Cove, and placed on a mafi, to be shipped back to Europe for repair. Given the placement on the mafi, it will likely go be shipped via ACL

Mari-Cha III

A Proper yacht is tied up at Purdys Wharf. The Mari-Chi III was built in 1997, and besides being luxurious also puts up some impressive racing numbers. The Boat set the monohull transatlantic record in (NY to S. England) 1998, crossing in in 8d 23h. she also claimed the fastest ever from Sydney to Hobart in 1999.

She normally sails with a crew of 7, but grows to 25 when shes racing. Interior shots and more information can be found at

Sailing Yacht Hetairos at Purdys Wharf.

Another proper Yacht tied up at Purdys Wharf on Tuesday. The Hetairos is 66.9m long, and the ketch rig was built with masts that reach the maximum air draft of the Panama Canal. The Yacht was built by Baltic Yachts in 2011, and can sleep 10 in 5 cabins.

More Photos, including Interior shots can be found at

I originally set out to Photograph the Marie, but it had sailed before i arrived.

Bella Vita – Big Yacht

The Bella Vita spent a few days at tall ships Quay, before sailing for Lunenburg Saturday Morning. At 255′ in length, she is the largest purpose built yacht to call in Halifax. The largest yacht to Call in Halifax was the Lone Ranger, which then belonged to a google co-founder, and converted from a ocean going tug.

Bella Vita was reportedly owned by John Risley of Clearwater seafood fame, though it is now available for charter for $640,000us/week +fuel and food.

Most yachts that call in Halifax are in the 130′ range or smaller, though some of the sailing yachts have reached 180′

Breaking: Derek Hatfield’s VOR60 may be lost

JTFA just tweeted that 8 people were rescued from a sailboat early this morning off Lunenburg.

A quick check of appears to show the vessel Esprit De Corps IV aground off cross island. it stopped broadcasting AIS just after 6am this morning.

Esprit De Corps IV is the former Amver Sport 1, the VOR60 yacht that was owned by Derek Hatfield, as Spirit of Adventure. Hatfield died in 2016. the yacht was a frequent participant in the Route Halifax Saint Pierre and Marblehead races.

I have sent a message to Atlas Ocean racing for confirmation. – Updates to Follow.

UPDATE May 24:
Atlas Ocean Racing released a statement on Facebook yesterday:

At 4am AST on the 22nd of May, whilst returning from a season of racing in the Caribbean, SV Esprit de Corps IV was shipwrecked on Cross Island, NS.

20nm before Lunenburg, NS, her final port of destination, and under a very reduced set of sails, gale force winds complicated the manoeuvre of dousing the sails before entering the chanel leading to Lunenburg. The strong gusts and a loss of the ability to use the propeler led the boat to drift towards Cross Island where she ran aground. The crew prompted a PAN PAN to get the boat towed but later a water breech made the situation to upgrade to MAYDAY.

Maxime Grimard, skipper of the delivery of Esprit de Corps IV, acted in accordance with his safety in offshore sailing certifications and with the team’s safety procedures by protecting the crew first and foremost.

The 8 crew members of the sailboat wish to thank the Canadian Coast Guard and the crew of MV Salvage Monarch for their exemplary assistance in evacuating the crew. All members of the crew returned to land safe and sound.

After the crew, the team’s next priority became the recuperation of the vessel for environmental reasons and in order to salvage any equipment left. The team has set a protocol in motion to handle the recovery of any wasteful debris, in collaboration with Environmental Response of the Canadian Coast Guard.

Atlas Ocean Racing, Maxime Grimard, and Gilles Barbot (owner and official skipper of the boat), the insurance company and local experts, are actively seeking the most cost-efficient and practical solutions to recover what’s left of the boat as soon as possible.

We will keep you informed of the next steps in the recovery of the shipwreck. The goal is to return the boat ashore for inspection and evaluation of damage and potential repairs.

Thanks for your support,

Atlas Ocean Racing Team

They also posted that the yacht had been looted since it went aground, and before they could return to remove fuel.

image via Atlas Ocean Racing Facebook
image via Atlas Ocean Racing Facebook

UPDATE June 6:

Sea Shepard vessel Brigitte Bardot

The Futuristic Bridget Bardot Arrived in Halifax Friday Morning. The vessel is owned by the Sea Shepard Conservation society. I covered a brief history of the vessel, and Sea Shepard in this Herald Column.

Originally named Cable and Wireless Adventurer she was built for the purpose of circumnavigating the world in less than 80 days. This was successfully accomplished in July 1998 in 74 days, 20 hours, 58 minutes. Sea Shepard acquired the vessel in 2010. The 114′ long trimaran is powered by two 500hp engines, and has a top speed of 50km/h.

More Vessels Need nose art.

Sea Shepard has a Halifax Chapter, who can be found on Facebook

Sure signs of Summer.

In this weeks Herald column, I talk about the sure signs that summer is coming, when the pleasure baots enter the water. Another sure sign is the beginning of the Wednesday night race series.

These hardy sailors were out in the middle grounds last night in intermittent rain and fog. – but they photographed well.

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