Monthly Archives: January 2014
Assorted Products Tankers
CCGS Teleost Outbound
First top up for Algoma Dartmouth Under Stirling.
M/V Christopher Stannix Update

HRM Assembled a Flickr site with Additional progress photos here.
(Above) Engine room (Below) ER and Passenger Access
(Below) Wheelhouse fitting out.
The Digby Courier had Article with an update from mid December. The Photos below By John DeMings who wrote the article. and were taken from the article.
Bunkering Confirmed
With the arrival of Victorious, and her Barge to the McAsphalt dock yesterday, today brought the movement of the Algoma Dartmouth from pier 9 to alongside for transfer.
UPDATE: A clear day allowed me to get the shot today (01.31) It appears the tug/barge will be topping up Algoma Dartmouth Directly.
UPDATE: Better Image Below
CCGS A. Leblanc to launch overnight.
G6 vistor – APL Cyprene
This weeks caller on the g6 service is APL Cyprene. She has been here before.
BUXHAI for Hapag-Llyod
Due to weather induced delays, the Container ship Buxhai arrived at the outer anchorage yesterday, and moved to Fairview Cove this morning. Built under the current name in 2005, she then serverd on charter to MSC as MSC Lausanne until that charter ended in 2011, and she reverted to her original name.
I believe she is filling in for the HS Beethoven, which was damaged in December when a container stack toppled, damaging a bunker tank.
Battle of the Atlantic Place – “Rising to the Challenge”
The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest and most decisive battle of the Second World War, and winning it at sea came at a high price with the loss of 24 Canadian naval and 72 merchant ships, numerous maritime patrol aircraft and over 5,000 members of the RCN, RCAF and Merchant Navy.

Battle of the Atlantic Place will not be a museum. It will recognize and honour a generation that was supremely challenged, fought with great courage, and advanced Canada onto the world stage. It will be an innovative, experiential centre where guests do much more than learn about the greatest naval battle of World War II. Guests will go on a journey that gives them a visceral sense of Canada’s decisive role in winning the war itself. They’ll feel what it was like to serve at sea in a ship under constant threat, to design and build hundreds of ships in an impossibly short period of time, to fly the unforgiving skies over one of the stormiest oceans in the world, to industrialize on a national level when there was very little capacity to start with, and for people and provinces to come together as a nation to achieve success.

Located on Sackville Landing The building will encompass HMCS Sackville. – the last example of a class of ships that numbered in the hundreds. The plans for the building are well developed, the site is secured, and the programing is developed.

In terms of story telling (which is what they want this facility to do) the plans look to give the Canadian War Museum a run for the money.

For More, Visit