The US’s newest warship the USS Freedom is scheduled to make an appearance in Halifax Tomorow.
Stay tuned for photos.
Monthly Archives: November 2008
The Halifax Based Barge ShovelMaster (Tied up next to pier 9) Ran into trouble and Capsized in Heavy weather of Yarmouth, wed. From the Halifax Chronicle Herald:
A CH-149 Cormorant hovers over the barge Shovel Master. The helicopter from 413 Squadron based at 14 Wing Greenwood was returning from training in Summerside, P.E.I., when called to assist the vessel. The Cana dian Press reported rescue officials got a call late Wednesday afternoon that the barge, towing a dredge, was taking on water about 50 kilometres west of Yarmouth on the Lurcher Shoal. The rescue centre in Halifax says that seas were four to five metres high with winds up to 90 kilometres an hour. The helicopter lowered a rescue technician into the water. One by one, the three crew members on the barge were lifted into the helicopter and flown to the Yarmouth hospital where one was treated for minor lacerations. The barge was still floating Thursday.