The 4253TEU container ship ZIM Kingston is currently on fire, while at anchor at Constance Bank, off Victoria BC. The ship had sailed from Busan, South Korea for Vancouver.
On Friday Oct 22 the ship reported loosing 40 containers in 20′ seas just after midnight. the ship was 43 miles west of the entrance to the straight of Juan de Fuca when the containers were lost. The ship did some odd manoeuvring where the containers were lost.

ZIM Kingston then proceeded to anchorage in Constance bank. From photos it looks like lost containers are from two stacks, one forward and aft. Several of the lost containers were later spotted by USCG Aircrews, and noted to be moving north. A gale warning is in effect, with winds of 20 knots, increasing to 40 Monday.
#UPDATE: Imagery captured of located containers from U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Port Angeles helicopter.
— USCGPacificNorthwest (@USCGPacificNW) October 23, 2021
On Saturday morning around 11am, the ship reported that damaged containers were on fire.

The crew was advised my MCTS to abandon ship. 10 members were removed by the coast guard and taken to Ogden Point. after a small explosion, an additional 6 crew were removed.
As of Saturday Night, 16 crew had been evacuated from the ship by CCGS Cape Calvert and CCGS Cape Naden, with 5 including the captain remain on board. The CCGS reported 10 containers were on fire. 2 of which are self combustible (Class 4.2) potassium amylxanthate — which is used in the mining industry.
Looks like they pushed a flaming container off the #zimkingston
— Eyes On (@jaycurrie) October 24, 2021
The ships owner had contracted salvagers, and Maersk Tender and Maersk Trader have responded. these ships were in the area, and normally operate ocean cleanup equipment to remove plastics from the water.
UPDATE photo of #ZimKingston as seen from #CloverPoint #VictoriaBC
— David Boudinot (@librarialstudy) October 24, 2021at 7:30 am Sun. Oct 24. Crews still spraying container ship with water, is that a speck of flame I see on board still?
Seaspan Raven has also on scene since Saturday. Due to the the chemicals on fire reactivity to water, water is being used to cool the surrounding areas of the ship but not directly attack the fire.

As of this morning, the Atlantic Raven, which is under contract as an emergency towing vessel for the coastguard is on scene, and the fire is reportedly still burning.
Additional Updates as they become Available.
UPDATE: there is currently a news conference on Now. The fire is reported to be out, but there is alot of heat and smouldering. crews will attempt to extinguish the fire onboard the ship tommorow.