The Germans are here

Today brought the arrival of two German naval vessels to pier 20 – the Supply Ship Frankfurt am Main, and the Frigate Baden-Württemberg. Both vessels will depart on the 20th.

Frankfurt am Main has been to Halifax before, is of the same design as the supply ships currently under construction by SeaSpan in Vancouver. Baden-Württemberg is the first in class of land attack frigates, and was commissioned in 2019.

Photos to Follow.

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2 thoughts on “The Germans are here

  1. Peter Gross

    Hello Peter,

    You wrote that photos would follow, but you haven’t put any online yet. I follow the German ships as they sail around the world and blog (non-profit) about them. The relatives of the German soldiers would certainly be pleased to see a few pictures.

    Peter (City of Bochum / Germany)


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