The Alliance Announces New Network

The Alliance – Hapag-Lloyd, K Line, MOL, NYK and Yang Ming Announced their new routing today. Halifax Features on Three Services, which look to generate 4 weekly calls. Recall that NYK, MOL and K Line agreed to merge their container services 2 weeks ago.

The New EC 5 service is roughly equivalent to the AZX service of the G6 Alliance. It makes bi-directional stops in halifax on both east and westbound legs. Laem Chabang – Cai Mep – South East Asia Hub – Colombo – (Suez Canal) – Halifax – New York – South Atlantic (US) – Norfolk – Halifax – (Suez Canal) – Arabian Gulf Hub – South East Asia Hub – Laem Chabang

AL 1 looks to mirror the transatlantic portion of the current G6 PA1 service. the routing is as follows:
Bremerhaven – Antwerp – UK – Norfolk – Philadelphia – New York – Halifax – Bremerhaven

The AL 6 is a new service calling on Halifax for this Alliance. It roughly mirrors the current ZIM and Melfi Services that call on Halifax, though those both service the Caribbean, which this does not. The routing is Livorno – La Spezia – Genoa – Fos – Barcelona – Valencia – West Med Hub – Halifax – New York – Norfolk – South Atlantic (US) – West Med Hub – Valencia – Livorno

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  1. Pingback: Summary of Container Line Changes – taking effect 2017 – Halifax Shipping

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