USS Gravely put in for a port visit this morning. The ship tied up at Jetty NH, by the bridge. DDG-107 is an Arleigh Burke class destroyer, and was commissioned in 2010, the 57th ship of her type.

Gravely most recently served as flagship of NATO SNMG1, handing off those duties to USS Gridley last week in Rota Spain.

I am very much enjoying your images of the vessels in the harbour. I grew up in Dartmouth and was very used to seeing vessels in the harbour. (We lived under the flight path of planes landing at Shearwater so I got to know the military planes as well. I wonder if anyone remembers the “flying boxcars”; a plane with twin fuselages?)
I wonder where you take these pictures. I suspect the dockyard images come from the MacDonald Bridge, and many of the other images seem to be taken from sea level.
Do you have a boat with which to photograph the harbour? and do you use drones?
Thanks . . . Alan Wentworth, NS
sometimes the bridge, sometimes a boat.
no drone.
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