The new service deployment will begin February 19, 2015 when the vessel, MV Selfoss, will join MV Reykjfoss and MV Skogafoss on its “Green Line” route. Originating in Reykjavik, Iceland the vessel will then travel to Argentia, Newfoundland and Labrador. The next stop will be Halifax before going on to Portland, Maine. This service will also have direct connection with European destinations, including Reykjavik, Iceland, Immingham, United Kingdom and Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
“As a result of this service enhancement, the number of Eimskip calls in Halifax will increase from 13 to 31 calls per year giving our customers additional options for cargo destined and originating in Europe,” said Jeff Simms, Managing Director, Eimskip Canada Inc. “This is good news for our intra-‐North American customers as well and will provide one more channel for Nova Scotia exporters to move goods into the New England states, acting as a feeder service for the 14 other carriers calling Halifax.” To support the expanded service, Eimskip is planning to open a local office in Halifax.
The inbound rotation for this service will originate in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and include Immingham, United Kingdom; Reykjavik, Iceland; Argentia, Newfoundland and Labrador; Halifax, Nova Scotia and Portland, Maine. The outbound call will start in Portland, Maine and will include Argentia and St. Anthony, Newfoundland and Labrador, Reykjavik, Immingham, and Rotterdam.