Category Archives: CSL

CSL Metis for Gold Bond Gypsum.

the Bulker CSL Metis arrived this evening for Gold Bond Gypsum. the ship was previously in Portsmouth New Hampshire.

CSL Metis sails under the CSL Americas fleet, and is flagged in the Bahamas for International trade. Built in 1981, as a tanker, in 2007 a new forebody was constructed in china, and attached to the original stern and accommodation block. The ships power is 41 years old, but the cargo handling end is much newer.

3x CSL

(Above) After taking on a cargo of gypsum, Baie St Paul took the the inner anchorage. the ship is set to sail this evening into the lakes. (below) another CSL Ship, Rt Hon Paul E Martin tied up at the Gold Bond wharf. A Ocean going bulker, its likely headed for Baltimore. CSL Tarantau, another ocean going bulker is waiting in the basin to take its place.

CSL’s Newest Ship

Nukumi arrived in Halifax and tied up at pier 25. the ship is owned and operated by CSL for Windsor salt and was specifically designed to service Windsor’s Magdalen Islands salt mines. It is the first Diesel Electric Laker, and the first bulk carrier in Canada to have single point loading. The single loading point means the ship will not have to shift along its berth to line up with the ship loading equipment to fill all the holds.

Construction of the ship began in August 2020, and the ship departed Jiangyin, China for Halifax at the end of January.

Another load of Salt

Baie St Paul arrived this afternoon from the Magdline islands with another load of salt. This is the third of 4 loads to deposited on Pier 9.

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