Category Archives: NSPS

NSPS Update from Vancouver

A recent stopover in Vancouver allowed me the opportunity to pop over to the North Van side of the harbour to take a peak at the Seaspan facility there. Seaspan is currently building 2 supply ships for the navy (one is hull complete, the second has blocks under construction) as well as the Offshore Science vessel for the Coast Guard, which is the replacement for CCGS Hudson.

Much of the work in Vancouver is able to occur outdoors, owing to that cities better weather,so a good idea of the progress on both vessels can be easily had. The yards massive blue crane is also very impressive in person.

CCGS Capt. Jacques Cartier Arrives.

the Brand new fisheries science vessel CCGS Capt. Jacques Cartier arrived in Halifax Friday night, The ship was the second built by SeaSpan as part of the NSPS in Vancouver.

Sunday morning A welcome procession was held featuring a Sail past of CCGS G. Peddle S.C, CCGS Courtenay Bay, CCGS Cape Roger, and CCGS Capt. Jacques Cartier. The sailpast happened around 8am, and the vessels turned in the basin and headed for BIO by 8:45.

Fleet Renewal for the Coast Guard

Today brought a number of Simultaneous announcements about the Coast Guard.

The Prime Minister Announced in Vancouver an investment of $15.7B to renew the CCGS fleet, investing in up to 18 large ships to be built by Canadian shipyards. The Minister for Nova Scotia announced the 2 rumored AOPS for the Coast Guard at BIO. Those ships are to be built as fisheries patrol vessels. A role it is suited for

From the Release:

The Government of Canada is investing in two new Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships, which will be adapted for the Coast Guard to perform tasks including offshore patrols. These ships will be built by Irving Shipbuilding in Halifax.

The Government of Canada is investing in up to 16 Multi-Purpose Vessels to support a variety of missions, including light icebreaking, environmental response, and offshore search and rescue. These ships will be built by Vancouver Shipyards.

The Government of Canada will also proceed through a competitive process with the design of a new class of smaller ships, the new Mid-Shore Multi-Mission Ship, which would complement the work of the large fleet in shallow areas and deliver mid-shore science activities.

Repairs, refits, and vessel life extension work will be carried out on the existing fleet until the new ships are delivered, with over $2 billion to be invested on a competitive basis for this purpose.In addition to funding for shipbuilding, the Government of Canada is also providing over $351 million to support ongoing Canadian Coast Guard capacity enhancements such as strengthening management oversight and promoting innovation and greener practices.

CCGS Ann Harvey one of the Type 1100 muti-purpose light icebreakers currently in use.

So besides the 2 AOPS – they are committing to Replacing the 1100 class. These ships are a big win for the Vancouver shipyard, but will take years to deliver given to volume of work that is needed now by the Coast Guard. Its unclear what the design of these vessels will be, though VARD has been commissioned to study this. the design is likely several years out.

the reference to the Midshore vessels is interesting, as that is a less well defined project, and there is no vessel count assigned to it. However the announcement also included the line

the Government of Canada intends to add a third Canadian shipyard as a partner under the NSS. The Government of Canada will move forward with a competitive process to select the third shipyard in the coming months.

Its unclear what work will be going to that yard, though the release does mention Coast Guard work and the midshore vessels are currently unassigned. these would be an odd fit, as there smaller size could be done by a smaller yard. Davie may end up with some of the sea span work. Though the release cites an open competition, it would be a huge shock if it wasen’t Davie.

Update on Canadian Surface Combatant

The minister this morning announced a Streamlined Procurement process, that should see construction follow the completion of the Arctic Patrol vessels. The Announcement Stated that up to 15 ships would be built, and an off the self design would be chosen with some minor modifications Rather than continuing with the previous approach, which consisted of selecting a Warship Designer and a Combat Systems Integrator to work together to custom design the CSC. The new approach allows Canada to select and modify an existing warship design through a single competitive process.

A Request for Proposals to select a ship design will be released in summer 2016. While the opportunity for firms to pre-qualify will be reopened, the 12 firms that have already pre-qualified will not be required to reapply.

Minister foot also acknowledged that the 26billion price tag was low, not counting inflation and labor cost increases.

The CSC project’s objective is to recapitalize the Royal Canadian Navy’s surface combatant fleet by replacing the various warfare capabilities currently residing in the Iroquois-class destroyers and Halifax-class frigates, and providing the necessary integrated logistics support and infrastructure.

Second AOPS Has A name.

The Goverment Announced the first AOPS would be named Harry Dewolf. They have now announced the second will be Named HMCS Margaret Brooke.

Margaret Brooke was aboard the SS Caribou when it was torpedoed off the coast of Newfoundland on Oct. 13, 1942.  Her Actions earned her the Order of the British Empire.

Brooke was born in Ardath, a village located approximately 70 kilometres southwest of Saskatoon.
She enlisted in the Second World War on March 9, 1942, as a “nursing sister/dietician.” She was eventually promoted to the rank of lieutenant-commander. She was a passenger on the SS Caribou Oct. 13, 1942, as it attempted to cross the Cabot Strait off the coast of Newfoundland.
The ship was hunted and torpedoed by the German submarine U-69, according to government records. It took only five minutes for the Caribou to sink.

After the war, Brooke returned to her studies at the University of Saskatchewan. She earned a doctorate in paleontology and went on to author several major research studies in her field. She Turned 100 this past Saturday, and was visited at her home in Victoria By Commodore Bob Auchterlonie, Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific, who delivered the news.

Ships Starting Here AOPS Contract Signed.

  In a technical briefing with media in Ottawa Friday morning, representatives from Public Works Government Services Canada, the Canadian Navy and Irving Shipbuilding provided an overview of the Arctic Offshore Patrol ship program including the ship’s design and capability, the number of ships to be built and the construction schedule.

The Shipyards contract with the government is for six ships. The build contract is valued at $2.3 billion. Should costs increase due to unforeseen factors, the contract will guarantee the delivery of five ships within the same ceiling price ($2.3 billion). Basically the contract is for 5, but if they come in at a good price, they will build 6.

Construction of the first sections of the vessels – known as initial blocks or production test modules – will begin in June. The shipyard will test its new infrastructure, environment and production processes, with these initial blocks. Cutting of steel for the first AOPS ship is on target for September 2015.

Suprise visit from FGS Bonn?

The German Replenishment ship FGS Bonn is currently outside the Harbour, and is likely here for a visit. Bonn is one of 3 Berlin Class AOR’s (Sister Frankfurt Am Main Has been to Halifax twice before) and the Model for Canada’s New Joint Support Ships.

UPDATE – She Appears to be circling and their is no Pilot Order. HMCS Ville De Quebec and Athabaskan are due to be exercising this week, and  HMCS Summerside sailed this morning, so this may all be related.

UPDATE: A reader from Portuguese Cove emailed to say that this afternoon FGS Bonn
“sends a small RIB to meet with our Atlantic Willow Tug  just off off Portuguese Cove today. The RIB then ,this afternoon, motors back out to the Bonn which then headed out to Sea.  it is again seen on the AIS site circling about 30 nm South of Halifax before resuming a southerly course.
AIS shows it’s last port as Reykjavik and shows no destination.”

He also Provided the Photo Above. Given the previous destination, its possible Bonn embarked an Ice Pilot for the trip to Halifax.

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