Category Archives: PCTC

Lake Shirasagi at Pier 9

Lake Shirasagi is the 3rd of 10 new ships to be built in China for Eastern Pacific Shipping. These vessels run on LNG (Liquefied natural gas) as its primary fuel. The ship is also able to connect to shore power where available, as denoted by the giant plug painted on her side.

Lake Shirasagi moved to autoport after discharging heavy equipment at pier 9.

The ships namesake is the lake in Japan created by the Ishitegawa Dam in 1973, and serves as the water reservoir for Matsuyama City.

Morning Claire at Pier 9

The PCTC Morning Claire Spent Monday at pier 9, offloading assorted construction equipment.

PCTC have suffered a series of high profile incidents over the last number of years. We should be aware that any of these could happen here.

Asian Empire

Asian Empire arrived this morning and tied up at pier 9 to offload heavy equipment. The ship will move to Autoport in the morning, which spent the day occupied by Sunshine Ace.

The Korean Flagged Asian Empire was built in 1998 and is 25 years old. its 229m long, and 29m wide.

Sunday Happenings

(Above) the Tanker Acadian at Anchor in the Inner harbour. (below) MSC Shay in Anchorage 1 for Asian Gypsy Moth Inspection. the ship moved to pier 41 when MSC Japan Sailed.

While MSC Shay was at Anchor, the PCTC Bess departed from autoport (Above)Offering a nice size comparison of the two ships as they passed.(Below)

The Atlantic Elm was also tied up at COVE along side the Barge Atlantic Marlin

Grand Pavo at pier 9

Grand Pavo Arrived at pier 9 yesterday to unload assorted heavy equipment, including a pair of rail grinders. The ship then moved to Autoport Saturday to finish unloading cars.

Built in 2005, Grand Pavo has a max capacity of 6400 cars. Pavo is named for a peacock in Greek mythology. Hera , queen of the heavens, used a peacock to pull her chariot through the skies.

Morning Charlotte

Morning Charlotte tied up at Pier 9 last night to unload cargo. The ship is scheduled to sail at 1300 today for Charleston South Carolina without a stop at Autoport. (ed: Ooops. it called on Autoport First. I missed that.)

Morning Charlotte was built in 2007.


Another car carrier at pier 9. Oberon arrived last night, and is scheduled to move to auto port tomorrow at 7, before sailing in the late afternoon.

Oberon was built in 2008.

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