Upon the recommendation of General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, has approved the release of Jeffery Paul Delisle from the Canadian Armed Forces and has revoked his commission.
“The unauthorized disclosure of national and allied intelligence is both unconscionable and intolerable. Mr. Delisle’s actions were clearly not consistent with the high degree of integrity and loyalty to Canada that we, as Canadians, expect from our sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen,” said the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence. “Following the sentencing on Friday, the Canadian Armed Forces immediately undertook the required and appropriate action to review his file and ensure that all appropriate administrative measures are taken.”
“Mr. Delisle’s actions were neither excusable nor defensible. He broke the law, violated our core values of integrity and honour, and his actions were reprehensible,” said General Lawson. “He has demonstrated that he is neither worthy of the trust and confidence of the Crown, nor of his country. As a result of his misconduct Mr. Delisle has been released from the Canadian Armed Forces and his commission has been revoked.”
Mr. Delisle’s release for reasons of “service misconduct” will result in the following additional consequences:
— Mr. Delisle forfeits his Canadian Forces Decoration (a medal);
— Mr. Delisle forfeits his entitlement to severance pay; and
— Action will be taken to recover his pay from the date of his being
arrested and taken into custody.
On behalf of Her Majesty The Queen, the Governor General grants commissions to all officers of the Canadian Armed Forces. These commissions are held at the pleasure of and can be revoked by the Crown.