And Their Off – Navy Great Lakes Tour

HMCS Ville De Quebec, USS De Wert and USS Hurricane departed this morning for a 10 week great lakes Tour. HMCS Moncton and HMCS Summerside will also be in the Lakes this Summer, and will appear at a few dates. The Ships will return to Halifax in October, where they ill likely be open to the public.

From the Press Release:
HMCS Ville de Quebec will visit the following cities during the deployment:

--  Quebec City, Quebec, July 26 - 30; 
-- Montreal, Quebec, July 30 - August 3;
-- Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 8 - 13;
-- Thunder Bay, Ontario, August 15 - 20;
-- Toledo, Ohio, August 23 - 27;
-- Toronto, Ontario, Aug ust 29 - September 3;
-- Windsor, Ontario, September 5 - 10;
-- Buffalo, New York, September 11 - 17;
-- Hamilton, Ontario, September 18 - 21;
-- Oshawa, Ontario, September 21 - 24;
-- Cornwall, Ontario, September 25 - 27;
-- Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, September 28 - October 1;
-- Sept-Iles, Quebec, October 2 - 5; and
-- Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 9.

HMC Ships Moncton and Summerside will visit the following cities during the deployment:

--  Chicago, Illinois, August 15 - 20; and 
-- Cleveland, Ohio, August 28 - September 2.

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