The Government of Canada Issued a tender on Merx to have HMCS Athabaskan towed back to Halifax. She departed in the March for Port Weller Dry Dock for a Maintinance period. It looks like the work will not be complete in time for the closing of the seaway Dec 30th, So the Government wants her towed back to Halifax.
From Merx:
To TOW Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Athabaskan from St.
Catharines, Ontario (Port Weller) to HMC Dockyard Halifax, Nova
Scotia in accordance with the provided Technical Statement of
Requirement dated October 30, 2012.
Vessel Displacement:
5000 Long Tons
Overall Length
426 feet 130 meters.
50 feet 15.25 meters.
17 feet 5.2 meters.
The TOW is from St. Catharines, Ontario (Port Weller) to HMC
Dockyard Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Work Period:
The beginning of the towing period will be between December 1,
2012 and before the closure of the St-Lawrence Seaway 2012
navigational season.