Four of Her Majesty’s Canadian Ships from the Atlantic Fleet will be participating in a joint international exercise with the United States Navy from November 19 to December 14, off the East Coasts of Canada and United States called Task Group Exercise 6-12.
Royal Canadian Navy will work with the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to combine the Task Group Exercise with the NORAD Air Defence Exercise Amalgam Dart to further enhance interoperability and effectiveness between the Royal Canadian Navy and NORAD. The high tempo training will provide valuable experience to our sailors in a wide range of at-sea evolutions, to include navigation and seamanship, helicopter operations, and warfare exercises. Furthermore, Amalgam Dart will provide an excellent opportunity to train in ship-to-air and air-to-air defence.
Units participating in Task Group Exercise 6-12 and Amalgam Dart are Her Majesty’s Canadian Ships Iroquois, Preserver, Ville de Quebec and St. John’s. The ships will be joined by Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft and personnel from 12 Wing Shearwater, 14 Wing Greenwood, 17 Wing Winnipeg, 3 Wing Bagotville, and 22 Wing North Bay to include CH-124 Sea King helicopters, CF-18 fighters and a CP-140 Aurora long-range patrol aircraft.