It Was announced that the bulk of a 300 million dollar loan for improvements to the halifax shipyard would be for the replacement of the Scotia Dock II. It appears that the First step – the Scrapping of the Scotia Dock II is underway.
It was noticed that Her Canadian Registry (Yes, the Scotia Dock II is a vessel) Was closed on June 22 of this year. In more recent weeks, her name has been painted over, and most recently her on board cranes appear to be in the process of being decommissioned.
CBC News reported that the Scotia Dock II has been sold to Southern Recycling, a metal recycler on the Gulf of Mexico. The Chronicle Herald also reports that the Scotia Dock II was due to depart within 30 days (of June 22) once she was made seaworthy enough for the trip to the gulf. UPDATE: the Port reports the Tug EILEEN MCALLISTER is due tommorow, and shows the Kent Line agency as the vessels agent. Kent Line is an Irving Company. This suggests departure may be iminant.