Heavy lift ship currently anchored off Chebucto Head..
to take HMCS Chicoutimi to Vancouver? To return Chumel to Mexico?
From Dockwise
News Release
Dockwise Secures USD 42 million in Near-term Contract Awards
Bermuda, January 29, 2009. Dockwise Ltd. announces eight near-term contracts awarded to its subsidiary,
Dockwise Shipping, for the transportation of jack- up drilling rigs, dredging equipment and various other
cargoes. Total revenues for the contracts are approx USD 42 million.
Dockwise Shipping, in company with industry partners, is to transport the drilling rigs Great Drill Chetna,
Seajacks Kraken, Ocean Quest, and Offshore Intrepid to their new assignments in India, Halifax, Brazil and
the Arabian Gulf respectively. On behalf of various other clients and turning to more varied cargo, Dockwise
Shipping has been contracted to transport a dredging cargo to Japan, accommodation jack-ups to
Rotterdam, Derrick and jack-up barges to Angola and Rotterdam as well as patrol boats to Italy. Almost all
projects are for execution in the first half of 2009.