Halifax piers get bulk of gateway cash
Which will be spent on lengthening and deepening Halterm to accommodate 2 post panamax ships (and hopefully result in a bigger/better harbour lookoff), and Improvements and expansion to the Richmond terminals.
Aqualife comes to Port of Halifax
From the Article: “Aqualife Logistics, which has developed a process to move live seafood intends to develop a new service out of Halifax that will deliver product to central Europe. Maersk Line, which had been a regularly scheduled caller to the port, has been designated the carrier for the new business, likely between June and August.”
Proposed fast ferry for Bedford on hold for another year
It seems they don’t have a business plan.
CKYH Brings Box Service to Halifax
The CKYH alliance (Cosco Container Lines, “K” Line, Yang Ming and Hanjin Shipping) plans to use eight “K” Line vessels – Staring Sunday May 3 out of Halterm.