A small Cruise ship, She is meant to ply Coastal Waterways. She is here for the Morning (departs at 1400), and arrived from Lunenburg. A Large Irving Tanker was waiting to top up the fuel tanks, While Pasengers toured the city.
The Great Lakes Cruise Company States:
The Yorktown is the perfect vessel for relaxed and convivial exploration of America’s great coastal waterways. Renovated in 2009, the Yorktown was built in Florida in 1988 specifically for coastal cruising. Certified by the U.S. Coast Guard, the Yorktown flies the American flag and is staffed by friendly and experienced American officers and crew.
257 feet long, 43 feet wide, with a draft of 8 feet, the Yorktown is able to maneuver in secluded waterways and visit small ports that are inaccessible to larger vessels. And Yorktown’s American registry makes it possible to operate domestic itineraries unavailable to foreign-flag ships.