Yesterday saw 2 asphalt tankers conducting a transfer operation in the basin. it looks like this may have been a workaround to the US Jones act – which basically requires a US built and registered Ship to trade between US Ports.
The Laden, greek flagged, Asphalt Eagle, arrived first from Gibraltar and anchored, and the smaller, Marshal Islands flagged, Asphalt Sailor tied up along side, arriving from New York. The smaller Asphalt Sailor Sailed for Providence Rhode Island, the larger Asphalt Eagle sailed for Portland Maine early this morning.
one would assume a portion of the cargo was bound for each destination, and for whatever reason the larger Asphalt Eagle could not make the trip – Hence the transfer in Halifax, so the 2 cargos originate outside the US, and non US flagged vessels can be used, as would be required to mov the cargo from Portland to Providence.