Since sinking and being re-floated in June 2015, the Farley Mowat has languished at the pier in Shelburne. Court Orders to remove the vessel went unanswered, resulting in her Owner Tracy Dodds being imprisoned for contempt of court for failing to remove the vessel. In 2016 he was given a May 31 deadline to move the vessel, or face $10,000 in fines or 20 days in jail. He was arrested in August 4 2016, and served his time.
The federal government has announced they will now issue a contract to remove and scrap the vessel, and then attempt to recover the funds from Dodds, under the Polluter Pays Principal. In the end – the taxpayer will be left holding the bag, as the feds also will attempt to recover the $815,000 cost to refloat Farley Mowat – the money likely doesnt exist. Not included in the cost are thousands of dollars in unpaid berthage fees, and additional lost revenue from vessels not being able to tie up, because of the Presence of the Ship.
Dodds also owned the Craig Trans, which racked up over $100,000 in bertage fees in Dartmouth Cove, and Numerous other vessels around the province.