With the Maritime Heritage store gone for the winter, the NSMMA has opened up their shed to the Halifax Art Boat Project. From their Website:
The Halifax Art Boat Project is a community-focused art project where everybody can come join in building a real, floating, traditional boat right on the waterfront! We’ll launch the boat in Spring and turn it into a beautiful artwork as a community.
Funded by HRM Community Arts and in partnership with the Khyber Centre for the Arts and Eyelevel Gallery, the Halifax Art Boat is a community project inviting all ages and interests to collectively build a carefully designed boat. The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic and Waterfront Development have generously contributed space and resources as well.
This boat will be used as artist-in-residence housing, waterfront gallery and exhibit space, and sustainable off-grid living model. Featuring the five principles of youth involvement, community building, sustainability, artistic inspiration, and coastal exploration, everyone can explore their recreational interests while enjoying a traditional and fun community building project.
This project promotes individual participation by people who might be interested but who would be limited by financial barriers or otherwise unable to afford enrolling in a program that would offer similar skills and experiences.
Our core team guides the process of this multi-phase project and works hard to create opportunities for involvement of people from different age groups, culture identities, and backgrounds.
We’re also offering an Artist-in-Residence program and gallery which will be curated and operated by a team of artistic peers chosen from and by the local communities. This openness allows for innovative ideas to be quickly implemented and provides a safe mechanism for experimentation and exploration amongst the community and the artists.
In a Maritime province with long-standing cultural ties to coastal recreation, community boat building and strong families and communities, the Art Boat is a celebration and reinvigoration of this identity. Come join us on the Halifax Waterfront!
Last winter the NS Sea School Rebuilt their vessel Dorothea
The plan is to Build This:
So far, they have 2 sides built.