Hebron Sea was not a Russian vessel before conversion – it was Dutch. She was stretched at Pictou, NS a good many years ago now. McDermott (Secunda) has three ex Russisnas in service – Panuke Sea (Neftegaz 14), Burin Sea (Neftegaz 1) and Trinity Sea (Neftegaz 2). The old hulk in Bedford Basin is named Intrepid Sea . She was built as Neftegaz 29.
Category Archives: Info
What Does it Cost To Port in Halifax?
Ever wonder how much it costs to anchor in the Harbour, Or order a Pilot, or Tugs?
The Halifax Port Authority has all this information in the Tarrifs List.
from the Summary:
Harbour Dues $0.0531 per gross registered tonnage (grt) per vessel entry;
$0.0265 per grt for Canadian flagged.
Berthage Assessed at $0.0457 per grt per 12 hour period or part thereof up to 24 hours;
each succeeding 12 hour period or part thereof assessed at $0.0276.
Berthage is capped at 40,000 grt.
Anchorage After the seven days, assessed at $0.0115 per grt per 12 hour period or part thereof up to 24 hours;
each succeeding 12 hour period or part thereof assessed at $0.0068.
Passenger Charges In respect of continuous voyages or for voyages originating or terminating at the Port, charges are
as follows:
- For each passenger $7.850
- For each vehicle $9.332
administered by the Atlantic Pilotage Authority.
One way trip: $482 basic charge, plus $2.05 per unit. Minimum charge is $725.
Moveage (shifting): No pilot boat used: $386 basic charge, plus $1.64 per unit;
Pilot boat used: $433 basic charge, plus $1.85 per unit; Min. charge is $652.
Units are calculated as follows: [vessel length(m) x vessel breadth(m) x vessel depth(m)] / 283.17
Towing rates
Eastern Canada Towing.
charge per tug docking/undocking (excluding tankers):
Gross Registered Tonnes | Area 1 | Area 2 |
0 to 10,000 grt | $1,215 | $1,600 |
10,000 to 20,000 grt | $1,715 | $2,235 |
20,001 to 30,000 grt | $1,810 | $2,290 |
30,001 to 50,000 grt | $1,935 | $2,470 |
50,001 grt and over | $1,985 | $2,515 |
Area 1: Halifax waterfront from Pier 9 to Pier 42, Dartmouth from Tuft’s Cove to IEL Dock
Area 2: Bedford Basin
HMCS Fraser
A few years ago i took a trip to See HMCS Fraser in Bridgewater NS. (Photos from the trip) The ship was intended to be turned into a museaum, but is instead rusting. DND has recently agreed to purchase the Ship Back.
See the latest News:
DND takes back rusting warship HMCS Fraser
and This Editorial
Also some internal shots not by me