Atlantic Towings newest tug Alantic Birch II arrived in Halifax yesterday. She was recently aquired From Thor (See Shipfax), and was immedialy tasked with a siesmic survey off Greenland.
Last September, Atlantic Towing aquired Atlantic Raven, a UT722 Anchor Handling Supply Tug (Same model as thier other AHST’s)
UPDATE: As indicated in the Comments, Atlantic Birch II appears to be filling in for Atlantic Condor, Whos last location appeared to the ISI Shelbune Ship Repair Facility. It sems tha alo of work ha might have ben done in the damaged Scotia Dock is now occuring on the Refurbishd marine railway there.

Hi Peter
Looks like the Atlantic Birch II is due to goto the Deep Panuke field and take the condors place while she is on dry dock