Multiple Maersk’s

Halterm saw two Maersk vessels today at pier 42 and Pier 36. Maersk Palermo (bellow) tied up at Pier 36, and Maersk Pembroke tied up at Pier 42. Maersk calls weekly in Halifax, usually on a Saturday, but it is rare to have 2 of the 4 vessels that regularly call in on the same day.

Both vessels sailed around 1700 today

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One thought on “Multiple Maersk’s

  1. les crossan

    Maersk Palermo was, of course, the infamous P&O Nedlloyd Auckland the vessel that lost 2 containerloads of Nike sneakers overside quite a while back. C/S PDHW. Countryman & Macdaniel's rat's nest maritime rag The Cargo Law has more.


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