Watch the deployment of the New Herring Cove Inshore Weather Buoy Earlier today.
HMRI Buoy Launch from Darrow Multimedia – Paul Darrow on Vimeo.
Halifax Marine Research Institute (HMRI) Deployed its first smart buoy Today. HMRI will operate the 3 metre inshore weather buoy near Herring Cove, Nova Scotia, in partnership with the Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association, Atlantic Pilotage Authority, Halifax Port Authority, Canadian Coast Guard, and the Marine Environment Observation Prediction and Response network (MEOPAR).
Following todays deployment, the buoy’s sensors will generate real time measurements used to create high-resolution weather and wave forecasts for the mouth of Halifax Harbour. Data collected by the buoy’s sensors will assist the Atlantic Pilotage Authority and Halifax Port Authority in improving safety and scheduling in the Port of Halifax. This data will also generate educational and scientific opportunities for ocean science and technology students and researchers in Nova Scotia and beyond.
The buoy Broadcasts its position via AIS – And can be seen Just off herring Cove.