After a call for submissions, narrowing those submissions down to a finalist list of five and over 12,000 individuals picking their favorite name for the new harbour ferry, we have a winner. The name of the new harbour ferry will be Christopher Stannix. This option recived 61% of the vote
A reservist with the Halifax-based Princess Louise Fusiliers, Stannix had achieved the rank of master corporal but accepted a demotion to corporal in order to go to Afghanistan. In April 2007, at age 24, Stannix was killed by a roadside bomb while patrolling in Kandahar, Afganistan.
Once the new vessel is received, Metro Transit will organize a ceremony to commemorate its launch and more details on that will be available in the coming weeks. Currently, the new harbour ferry name sits with Transport Canada for final approvals, which are expected to be received shortly.
Past ferries have been named for Military Men. The First Steam powered Ferry, Sir C. Ogle, was named after Charles Ogle, then the Commander of the North Atlantic Station. Boxer was also Named after Captain Boxer, of a Royal Navy Ship that rendered assistance to the Steam Boat Company