The German Replenishment ship FGS Bonn is currently outside the Harbour, and is likely here for a visit. Bonn is one of 3 Berlin Class AOR’s (Sister Frankfurt Am Main Has been to Halifax twice before) and the Model for Canada’s New Joint Support Ships.
UPDATE – She Appears to be circling and their is no Pilot Order. HMCS Ville De Quebec and Athabaskan are due to be exercising this week, and HMCS Summerside sailed this morning, so this may all be related.
UPDATE: A reader from Portuguese Cove emailed to say that this afternoon FGS Bonn
“sends a small RIB to meet with our Atlantic Willow Tug just off off Portuguese Cove today. The RIB then ,this afternoon, motors back out to the Bonn which then headed out to Sea. it is again seen on the AIS site circling about 30 nm South of Halifax before resuming a southerly course.
AIS shows it’s last port as Reykjavik and shows no destination.”
He also Provided the Photo Above. Given the previous destination, its possible Bonn embarked an Ice Pilot for the trip to Halifax.