The X-Press Makalu arrived yesterday at Pier 42 for Melfi Lines. the ship sailed after a delay for Mariel, Cuba. the ship was built in 2008 in Poland. it features a 2714 teu capacity and is owned by X-Press Feeders, and is registered in Singapore. This is its first trip for Melfi.
The ship was detained by Transport Canada Ship Safety . When she sailed tonight, the only deficiency listed was the lack of bridge control of the engine. A Port State control inspection in Livorno on July 9 indicates that the damage was accidental. As machinery can be controlled from the engine room, this should not be an issue as long as the bridge maintains communication with the engineering watch.

Nous sommes la société GMA pour GLOBAL MARITIME ALGÉRIE, secteur Transports Maritimes et sommes armateurs,. Notre navire IMEDGHASSEN escalera à HALIFAX le Mois de décembre. Etant la première fois qu’on escalera dans ce port, nous serions ravis que vous fassiez référence dans votre publication. Nos remerciements.
Cpat. Farid OMARI
Marketing and Sales