In Case you missed it Sunday, You can watch it Here. For Background, See the Previous Post
Category Archives: Boat building
Steaming Ribs with the Nova Scotia Sea School
Yesterday morning was spent with the Nova Scotia Sea School Steam bending and installing replacement ribs for their boat Dorothea. Here is how it was done.
1. Mariniate the ribs in the harbour overnight. Then Steam for 1.5 hours. Remove and pre-bend the rib. (Above) Then, Pas the rib to the crew in the Boat, and bang on it until it conforms (Bellow)
(Above) Use your feet to bend it into shape to fit the hull (Below) work it into the rabbit along the keel
(Above) Done for today – 11 ribs replaced in a morning.
Replacing Ribs with the Nova Scotia Sea School
Tomorow Morning I will be taking part in a workshop put on by the Nova Scotia Sea School, on Steam Bending at the Maritime Museaum of the Atlantic. Thier Yawl Dorothea was built in 1994, and is now in need of some TLC, Including replacing various timbers. The work shop will focus on replacing ribs. I plan to take photos, and have a post on that, But heres a video produced by the Sea School on their Boat.