Update May 18 2009:
HMCS Sackville fires its main gun in memory of Rear Admiral William Moss Landymore. Rear Admiral Landymore served in the navy for 33 years and was recognized for his wartime service during the Battle of the Atlantic. His ashes were spread outside Halifax Harbour during a committal ceremony aboard HMCS Toronto on May 1.
Category Archives: history
Harbour Shipwrecks
Canadian minesweeper Middlesex lost just after the war near Lawrencetown Beach. She wrecked so close to the shore that a gangway was rigged to take the crew ashore.
Photo credit: Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, MP35.17.2, N-7,455
From the Shipwrecks of Nova Scotia Lots of ships lie in the Harbour and Approaches this site Lists them.
Under the Waves
Natural Resources Canada has put togeather an intersting site on Halifax Harbour. The site explores the geology and geography of the harbour, and pays particular attention to the various man made influnces on the harbour
It also explores common Harbour myths such as the Tunnel to Georges Island (False) and Previous Narrows Bridges (true)
HMCS Fraser
A few years ago i took a trip to See HMCS Fraser in Bridgewater NS. (Photos from the trip) The ship was intended to be turned into a museaum, but is instead rusting. DND has recently agreed to purchase the Ship Back.
See the latest News:
DND takes back rusting warship HMCS Fraser
and This Editorial
Also some internal shots not by me
Search Resumes for Franklin Expedition