CCGS Private Robertson VC Launched

The first hero class mid-shore patrol vessel has been launched. Originally scheduled for 11:45, the launch we delayed by high winds and the need for an additional tug. Unlike Atlantic Condors Launch,  The Private Robertson was gently slid into the water,  stern first, and then moved to Pier 9B.

Tugs Atlantic Oak and Willow, as well as Dominion Diving Vessels were in attendance, as well as CCGS Sambro, Who came to watch.

UPDATE 1: Private Robertson VC at Pier 9 Today.

UPDATE 2: By Request, Additional Photos
Prior To Launch
Moving Down the Marine Railway


Almost In
Getting Wet

I Also have some Video, But it needs to be Edited.

UPDATE: Here is the Video. It was shot on my point and Shoot, so the quality is low. Sorry.

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One thought on “CCGS Private Robertson VC Launched

  1. Ray White

    The Canadian rank of Private is officially abbreviated as PTE, never as Pvt which is, I believe, the US Army equivalent. The official name of the vessel is, I believe, CCGS Private Robertson, VC, although it seems to me it would be much better to have a first name or initial before the surname. Imagine a vessel named CCGS Cpl Smith to honour Smoky Smith.


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