The Jana Desgagnes, lost its steering approx. 16 nautical miles southwest of Port aux Basques. the cause is likely Ice damage to the rudder. The CCGS Captain Molly Kool took the ship under tow through ice, in what is an impressive tow in difficult conditions.
The Jana Desgagnes is an ice class products tanker run by the Quebec based Desgagnes Group.
The tow was taken on the grounds of preventing pollution. Historically the CG has not offered tows, or intervened with insufficient time to allow for a plan B. The CG reports they are awaiting commercial Tugs. However why does the coast guard not simply complete the tow and charge commercial rates. – certainly the funds could be used for fleet renewal.
The Heavy icebreaker CCGS Louis Ste Laurent is standing by on scene as well.

The Mckeil Tug Lois M responded from Sydney, however the tow was taken up again By the CCGS Captain Molly Kool due to difficult Ice conditions.

this is a great picture, and also shows how useful these new ice breakers will be with their towing capacity! Glad your back posting, your updated blog was missed!
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