Category Archives: Navy

FS Fulmar for port visit

The French Marine National patrol vessel Fulmar put into port yesterday for a visit. The ship is the French Naval presence in Saint-Pierre and Miquelon. The ship is a regualr visitor to Halifax, Usually tieing up at Tall Ships Quay next to Nova Scotia Power.

HMCS Margaret Brooke Commissioned

Lost in the excitement of Fridays Arrival of the USS Gerald R. Ford, was the commissioning ceremony for the second AOPS, HMCS Margaret Brooke, which took place at the dockyard.

The third AOPS, has been delivered to the navy, and is tied up along side the first. The 4th ship is due to be launched mid November from Halifax ship yard.

M/V Asterix

The Navys leased supply ship Asterix has been tied up facing the bridge since it returned to the dockyard last week. crews have been painting it.

its scheduled to turn tomorrow at 11am, to its more normal stern to the bridge orientation.

HDMS Triton

Danish Navy Frigate HDMS Triton arrived this afternoon, and tied up at the dockyard.

The ship is one of four Thetis Class frigates and is based on the StanFlex 3000 design. She was commissioned in 1991, making her slightly older then the Halifax Class. The ship normally carries a crew of 60, but has accommodation for 100.

HDMS Triton will also be participating in OP Nanook.


the USCGC Bear arrived this morning and tied up at the dockyard. Bear is a Medium Endurance cutter, and was commissioned in 1983. The ship is home-ported in Portsmouth Virginia. This class of vessel frequently visits Halifax, though typically New England based ships. Bear has not been here during the existence of this blog.

The Ship will be participating in Op Nanook. The Danish Navy Frigate HDMS Triton is also due this afternoon.

FS Rhone for Port Visit

The French Navy support vessel Rhone put in to the dockyard for a port visit today. FS Rhone will be participating in OP Nanook, the Canadian Forces annual arctic exercises. The ship was first here in 2018, before she had been commissioned. Rhone is the second of a class of 4 vessels.

Bâtiment de soutien et d’assistance hauturiers (BSAH) vessels will be used by the French Navy for rescue missions, environmental protection, work in military ports and general support for other navy units.

She is tied up next to the casino for easy viewing.

Kingston Class to Deploy with Nato?

While Checking out LCS-21 yesterday evening, a small detail caught my eye. One of the Kingston Class MCDV’s has the Nato Emblem attached to its bridge wing. Frigates get the emblem attached when they join one of the Standing Nato Maritime Groups – SNMG1 or SNMG2.

Nato also operated two Standing Nato Mine Counter Measures groups, or SNMCMG. Its likely that this ship will be joining them. This deployment has not yet been publicly announced to my knowledge.

With the War in Ukrane, Canada has two frigates deployed with NATO. The Ukranian Ports in the Black Sea have been heavily mined, and mines have drifted into open waters, potentially impacting commercial shipping. there is also a move to re-open Ukrainian ports to allow wheat exports. the ports would need to be de-mined first.

the Kingston class MCDV’s were built in the 90’s as Minesweepers. They have since been assigned other patrol duties, and are often used for survey and diving missions.

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