The Following photos of the Hiberina Atlantic Shore connection being made were provided by a reader.
Category Archives: Hiberina Express
Cable Ship Resolute
Hibernia Atlantic Cable Installation set to Begin
The Cable Ship Decisive is due to arrive at anchor today, Signalling the beginning of construction of the Hibernia Express Cable. Decisive has a costing trade license to do prework, including route clearance, before resolute comes to Lay the cable.
The General Cargo vessel Ocean Crescent Loaded cable handling equipment in February, and will presumably bring the cable back to Halifax, where it will be loaded aboard the Resolute for laying.
Hibernia Atlantic has a landing station in Herring Cove.
Photos to Follow.
Hiberina Express Cable to be Installed in March/April
Having been announced, and in planning for the last 2-3 years, the Hibernia Express undersea cable is to start construction in March. the route was surveyed back in 2011
2 Coasting trade applications have been filed for Cable Vessels. the CS Deceive will be used to perform the route clearance, pre lay grapnel run and general support related to the supply and installation of the Hibernia Express Cable System. Her work is expected to begin March 10. the CS Resolute will be used to perform plowing, cable burial and testing related to the supply and installation of the Cable System.
Hibernia Express undersea cable is a transatlantic subsea fibre optic telecommunications cable system connecting points in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Cork Ireland and Brean, United Kingdom. The cable will be run from Hibernia Atlantic’s Landing Site is Herring Cove.
Coriolis II has returned
The Survey vessel Coriolis II returned to Halifax Yesterday and tied up in Bedford. The Jetty in Bedford can support vessels this size, but it is a rare birthing location for a commercial Vessel.
Corriolos II was recently surveying a new transatlantic cable for Hiberia Atlantic. See The October 2011 Post on her departure.
Coriolis II and Hiberina Atlantic
Though Tied to the University of Laval, Coriolis II is currently conducting an undersea Survey for Hiberina Atlantic. Hiberiana Atlantic is a sub sea cable operator who recently announced a new cable connecting New York with London. The shortest route across the ocean is a great circle route, and halifax happens to lie on the atlantic edge.
This particular cable is meant to be the shortest route between London and New York, to save 5-6ms (thats Mili seconds, or 6 thousandths of a second). To obtain the savings, the cable will have to be shorter then the all the others, which means it must lie perfectly on the great circle, and be pulled tight. The entire route will need to be surveyed.
Hiberia Atlantic’s Cable Landing site is in Herring cove.