Busy Day #3 – Three for fuel.

The bunkering tanker Algoma Dartmouth will be kept busy today with 3 vessels anchoring to top up their tanks.

First up is the Norwegian flagged, geared bulker, NordKap. She arrived from Brazil, and will likely sail for the St Lawrence, likely with a load of Bauxite for aluminum production. She is Due to Sail at 15:00. (She Sailed giving Port Alfred PQ as her destination – Home to Rio-Tinto Alcan)

Due at the Pilot station at 1500 is the Liberian flagged Crude oil tanker ALMI GALAXY, which arrived from Scapa Flow Scotland and spent the last couple of days at anchor in the approaches. Shes due to anchor at anchorage #1 (between Georges Is. and McNabs Is.) laden, she was required to enter port with  a tug escort, and will be bound for the refinery in Saint John NB. on departure. She sailed at 2245.

also due for fuel is the products tanker Navig8 Sirius. the marshal islands flagged ship is arriving at the pilot station at 1600 from Houston Texas, unladen with refined product. she is Due to sail at 0200

Ill try to update this post later tonight with photos of the tankers, when they arrive.

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