The Cruise ship Viking Sky lost power and declared a mayday on Saturday off Norway. The ship was able to Anchor, and eventually restored some power and made it safely to port Sunday. 400 of 1300 people on board were evacuated by Helicopter. This was a significant near miss.
Viking Sky entered service in 2017, and has called on Halifax. the ship carries 930 Passengers, and 560 crew. reports 18 incidents of ships loosing power in 2016. Cruise Junkie tracks Cruse ship incidents of all types.
Below are some tweets which captured the situation.
#vikingsky map speaks for itself, had the ship not been able to secure anchors and get engine powered again it would be a costa concordia scenario all over again. Situation better now and winds should ease later on
— Magic Bullet Biotech (@magicbulletbio) March 23, 2019
NEW: First responders are evacuating passengers stuck on a cruise ship off west coast of Norway as video shows rescue boats, helicopters arriving to scene of Viking Sky seen floating adrift in stormy weather after suffering from engine failure Saturday.
— World News Tonight (@ABCWorldNews) March 23, 2019
Helicopter video from the evacuation of 1,300 passengers from the Viking Sky cruise ship off the coast of Norway. The vessel has been able to restart one of the engines and is now anchored two kilometres from land.
— Breaking Aviation News (@breakingavnews) March 23, 2019
We’re waiting for evacuation by helicopter #VikingSky #Mayday
— Alexus Sheppard(@alexus309) March 23, 2019
Still waiting for evacuation. #VikingSky #Mayday
— Alexus Sheppard(@alexus309) March 23, 2019
Pretty calm at the muster station #VikingSky #Mayday
— Alexus Sheppard(@alexus309) March 23, 2019