Category Archives: Australian Spirit

Australian Spirt – Tow to Portugal.

(Above) Tug and Tow Connected via Chains (Below) Closeup of towing arrangement, Does not appear to be using Australian Spirits Anchor Chains.

 (Above) Chain Towing Bridle, Attached to a cable. the Cable will be payed out when they get to open ocean. (Below) Tow passing the ferry track

(Above) Tug Janus Leading the Way. (Below) Atlantic Oak, Atlantic Larch and Atlantic Willow (Not visible on other side) steer the stern

Janus at Pier 9

The tug Janus Tied up at Pier 9 forward of the Australian Spirit. Janus was contracted to tow the Australian Spirit to a ship Yard in Portugal to have a new rudder fitted. The Tug Arrived Early in the Morning on the 5th.

She is a relatively New Build, and Rated at 19000hp, has lots of power for the job.

Australian Spirit to Pier 9C

The Disabled tanker Australian Spirit was moved with tugs from basin anchorage to the New Pier 9 Expansion. The Transfer operation with American Spirit completed this Afternoon, and She saild for New York around 1600.

Tugs Atlantic Larch, Willow and Fir were in attendance, as was the Naval Tug Glenevis, marking the first time i can remember that a Naval Tug was involved in a commercial Operation.

Danny MacDonald Timelapsed the docking operation:
Of note, In the Chart Above, Everything (Except the Larch) is to Scale. The new Digby Ferry Canada2014 is about the same size as the Imo, the larger of the 2 vessels involved in the Halifax Explosion.

Australian Spirit to Be Offloaded

The Australian Spirit is now anchored in the Bedford Basin. there are conflicting reports that she either outright lost her rudder,or its hard to port. Given the work the stern tug did, and the vessels track, it would seem that the rudder is hard over, and not missing.

The tanker Americas spirit is due early afternoon today, and will anchor in the basin. She will then move alongside the Australian spirit, and transfer cargo so that repairs can be made. it is unclear if all the tanks need to be emptied, or if they will only empty the stern ones, leaving the bow down, and exposing more of the rudder.

UPDATE: Americas Spirit  Arrived late on the 15th, and tied up alongside Australian Spirit on the 16th and began the transfer operation.

AUSTRALIAN SPIRIT in need of a tow

The crude oil carrier Australian Spirit is apparently in trouble off Halifax and is need of a tow.
She sailed from Staten Island NY on the 4th, bound for York. She reportedly lost stearing last night, Aprox 75km off Chubecto head.

 (Above) Position as of 1500 AST 10/12/14

I Know no further details at the moment, but was tipped off by a Canadian Press reporter covering the story. Anyone know anything? email me

UPDATE: the tug Atlantic Larch is reportedly on Scene, and the Venture Sea and CCGS Earl Grey appear to be on their way.

There is a Good argument for the CCGS to be equipped for emergency towage. As the Current multipurpose buoy tenders and light icebreakers reach the end of their useful lives, they should be replaced with a Off the Shelf ice classed Anchor handling Supply tug design. Such vessels are equipped for towing operations and feature large working decks for cargo transport. A suitable crane could be provisioned for buoy work. this would Add to the Coast Guards capability, and preserve the existing service levels.

UPDATE:11/12/14 1200AST: Tanker is under tow, and expected in Halifax for repairs later tonight. They currently apper to be making about 4 knots, and are 31 nautical miles off Chubecto head, suggesting a 2000ADT eta.

UPDATE 1430AST: Halifax Port Authority says the Australian Spirit will go straight through to the Bedford Basin, where she will anchor.

UPDATE 12/12/14 0935AST: Australian Spirit was due to take her pilot at 9am. She currently appears to be off chubecto head, likely waiting for the Outbound Heather Knutsen  to clear the channels allowing more room to maneuver. I suspect She will also take on Tugs Atlantic Fir and Willow, currently escorting the outbound Heather Knutsen.

Photos from DFO via Twitter.

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