Category Archives: halterm

Halterm for Sale?

I Have received unconfirmed reports that Halterm Inc, Operator of the South End container terminal is in Financial Difficulty and has put it self up for sale.

A potential purchaser (Specualtion on my part) could Creres Corp, Operators of the Fairview Cove Terminal. Halterm itself is registered a Privately Held Partnership, so its possible one of the partners may buy it out.

More details as they become known.

Truck Flip at Halterm

Yesterday there reports of a Truck rolling over at Halterm. The driver was ok. And no other details were provided.

I Have since learned that one of the twist locks broke off the spreader on Crane 4 (the one closest to pier 36), releasing the container from one end 8 ft high and the rest fell. The container hit the chassis on its side, and rolled the chassis and tractor over.

More halterm crane details

We previously reported that halterms new cranes were scheduled to ship on June 8. We now know they will be delivered by ZPMC’s vessel “Zhenhua 19” registered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

The information is contained in an application for a coasting trade licence to allow the vessel to
be used to reposition the old smaller gantry crane from pier 42 to pier 36 at the Halterm. This confirms the fate of the crane at pier 42, Which would have been in the way, and would need to be moved or scrapped.

 We also now know that the cranes are due July 15, based on the dates provided in the Costing licence Application.

Halterm Improvements

Hot on the Heals of the Port Authorities Land purchase from CN, Work has already begun at Halterm. The new road alignment can be seen, as can the realigned rail sidings. Once this is complete, the new truck marshalling yard and gate complex will be constructed.

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