Category Archives: ZIM
Zim Monaco
ZIM San Francisco
This Weeks ZIM Visit
(Above) ZIM Mediterranean was in port on the 9th. She is quite high in the water due to a high tide, and a light load. (Below) ZIM Monaco Arrived this morning, The crews begin at 8am, and had just arrived at the cranes when this was taken.
Recent ZIM Visits can be seen at
Second Zim of the week
ZIM California
I have been having good luck with ZIM Vessels as of late.
ZIM California Arriving last night.
I captured both of Last weeks Zim Visits as well
Bi Weekly Zim Stop
Zim Rio Grande
Big waves, broken containers.
Zim backup
Zim Barcelona is currently anchored off pier42 mostly empty. Zim Rio Grande is currently in the outer anchorages. Zim Barcelona departed pier 41 earlier but was unable to sail due to high seas and wind shutting down pilotage operations. Zim rio grande is unable to enter for the same reason.
One vessel did enter port. The offshore tug Ryan Leat has a pilotage exemption