Monthly Archives: July 2012
French Navy Visitor
More Tall Ships
More Tall Ship Arrivals
Second Tall Ship Arrives – Roseway.
The Roseway (Above) tied up at Histroic Properties. The Unicorn also moved here late yesterday.
Historic Properites is the old Pickford And Black Wharves – Pickford and Black were ship agents and Chandelers. The Photo below is form the Notman studio, Via the NS Archives, and showes the wharves when they were in use.
The Pride of Baltimore II and the Peacemaker are due 1000, and the Gazelia Primera is due at 1300 today.
Weekend Visitors
Tall Ship Gazellia Primero Arrives Wednesday the 18th at 1300 expect Pride of Baltimore II and Bounty to follow that evening.
The French Navy Tug Malabar (A664) is due Thursday(19) morning, as is the US Coast Guard tall Ship
USCGC Eagle.
The USS De Wert and USS Hurricane are due 0800 Friday(July 20th)
The is also a Foreign Naval vessel USS Scranton is due Saturday- Its a submarine, so shes going to Shearwater
Follow Up from last year – M/V Friendship
A Post over at the Monitor brought me back to this post from Last year. In July of last year, the MV Friendship Was tied up at Pier31, and appeard to be loading telephone poles. – rather when she tied up, she was subjected to a State Port Control Inspection.
Port state control inspections are semi random safety inspections, and any defecencies found must be rectified before the vessel is allowed to proceed to the Next port. Have a look at the PDF of what was found.
The First Tall Ship Has Arrived!
Atlantic Towing Buys Another Boat
Atlantic Towing Announced that it has purchased a newbuild anchor handeling supply tug from JAYA. Though no vessel is specified, the JAYA Supreme, a Wartsila VS 4622 design, is Scheduled for August delivery to Jaya, and Atlantic Towing is looking at a September Delivery.
The as yet unnameed vessel will be the largest in Atlantic Towings Fleet, and also signals a departure of the Rolls Royce UT 722 Design they Have favored in the Past.
The Vessel will be based out of St John’s Nf.
Photo Via Twitter
Suction Dredge HAM 318
The Training Suction Hopper Dredge HAM 318 made a stop this weekend for supplies. Trailing suction dredges work by dragging 2 suction heads on the ocean floor, which work material loose and vacumes it into the hoppers on board.
Dredgings can be discharged via Depositing through doors in the Hull, Pumping via a pipe attached to the bow, or Rainbowing where dredge material is pumped out of a monitor on the Bow.
HAM 318 is owned by Van Oord, who owns one of the largest Dreging fleets, and owns the Largest dredgers. HAM 318 is doing seabed dreging around wells at the Hiberina project off Newfoundland.
She is expected to Sail today, around 1400