Category Archives: Coast Guard

Its time to rename the CCGS Edward Cornwallis.

This week in the Herald, I make the case to retire the name Edward Cornwallis from the coast guard ship that bears it when it emerges from a substantial refit next January. The minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Bernadette Jordan commented they haven’t had the discussion but are open to it.

The name Provo Wallis would be a good choice to re-instate, as the ship that carried that name was retired in 2011. Provo Wallis was born in Halifax, and died as the highest ranking Admiral in the RN with 96 years of service. Halifax Magazine featured The Amazing Career of Provo Wallis in June 2019

for those who viewed the removal of the statue as destruction of Heritage, in 2018 i wrote:

The removal of the Cornwallis statue was cited by many as the destruction of heritage. While the statue itself was integral to the original design of the park, and the lands surrounding it, Cornwallis was a dubious character in history, and despite being the “founder” of Halifax, doesn’t really warrant a statue on a pillar in the centre of town…

However, given the massive outcry over the loss of the statue as heritage, let me suggest a number of actual pieces of history that are being mishandled by various levels of government, and in many cases literally falling apart from neglect and in need of public outcry.

-In the neighborhood of Cornwallis Park, the Elmwood hotel needs the protection of the delayed Barrington South Heritage conservation district
-The Dennis Building sits empty and risks Facadism
-Georges Island is being neglected by the federal government
-York Redoubt’s WW2 defenses are crumbling
-Point Pleasant Park’s WW2 forts are falling into the ocean
-the Khyber is crumbling
-Lighthouses are being neglected EVERYWHERE
-Two heritage buildings at Bloomfield are falling apart
-McNabs Island is being neglected by DNR
-Young Avenue is being slowly destroyed
-Getting a Dartmouth heritage museum (really the entire city needs a proper museum)
-Better access to the cities archives (they’re in Burnside)
-Getting federal tax credits for heritage buildings (private members bill was voted down by the Liberal majority)
-Changes to the Province’s Heritage Act to disallow, as of right, demolitions of registered structures

CCGS Corporal McLaren MMV refloated last night.

the CCGS Corporal McLaren MMV was successfully re-floated and towed to the government wharf in sambro last night. the attempt started in the afternoon, and the ship was floating fully by 8pm.

Shore based pumps dewatered the ship, while the CCGS Sambro stood by behind the ship, providing additional scene lighting. A large crane on scene was reportedly for repairs to the cradle, but could be seen swing equipment over to the Mclaren.

there was no update on the police investigation.

An Act of Piracy – CCGS Corporal Mclaren is Damaged


Early Saturday morning, the CCGS Corporal Mclaren was sabotaged, when 2 cables and a chain were cut at the CME Shipyard in Sambro Head. the cradle the boat was on slid back, and the MSPV came off the blocks. there was some water ingress.

From statements made by CME, we know the ship was fine at the midnight check, and in the water at the subsequent check. A call to Halifax fire for fuel leaking from a boat was reported at 0751 by @hrmfirewire on twitter. the yard has cameras, but no fence, so its easy to gain access, though its unclear if anything was caught on tape.

the boat was on the lift for 6 weeks of maintenance. general repair and upkeep. A few modifications were being made the vessel, including new electronics, rope cutters on the shafts, and additional limber holes in the engine room bilge.



the ship was built by Halifax Shipyards, as the 6th of 9 Hero Class midshore patrol vessels. she first emerged for painting in in May 2013, and the ship was launched in September 2013. the launching was witnessed by Corporal Mclaren’s family, after i was contacted by Canadian Heros, and they were able to get an invite to the launch. the ship was fitted out at pier 9, and went on trials in October, and was accepted by the coast guard at the end of the month. She was formally commissioned in June of 2014, at a ceremony at BIO

CME Posted these photos to their facebook page of the work period.



Coast Guard to get Icebreakers, Emergency towing Vessels.

On Friday, the Feds signed a contract for $610million to have Davie acquire and convert 3 Icebreakers for Coast Guard use. The first ship is to be delivered by December 2018, with the other 2 to be delivered in Summer  and fall 2019.

The ships were built for the offshore industry to work in Alaska, so should be well suited for the job. The Proposed ships are Tor Viking II, Balder Viking and Vidar Viking. the Ships are owned by Norwegian tor, but are flagged, and currently are tied up in Sweden. Built to DNV Ice-10 standards, they will be classed as medium icebreakers in CG Service.

In a separate announcement last week, the feds awarded a contract for emergency towing vessels. the need for these vessels became apparent After several ships broke down in BC Waters, and were rescued by US based Tugs, the feds have awarded a contract to Atlantic towing to provide 2 emergency towing vessels in BC waters for the next 3 years. Word is Atlantic Eagle and Atlantic Raven will be the ships stationed on the west coast.

Hero Class at Sackville Landing

Mid shore Patrol Vessel CCGS Caporal Kaeble VC is tied up at Sackville landing today. This is a good opertunity to see one of these MSPVs up close. 

Kaeble is normally stationed in Quebec, and like the other inland based vessels has taken on RCMP markings.
She was vessel #2 in class and was accepted by the Feds on Novemebr 10.2010

Delivery At BIO

The Beluga Favourisation Docked at BIO yesterday afternoon in the midst of the Snow storm, and unloaded its deck cargo of 45′ Motor Life Boats for the Coastguard.
She Departed late afternoon today bound for Baie Comeau

Here are the 3 new LifeBoats on the Dock.

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