Category Archives: pilot

Zim backup

Zim Barcelona is currently anchored off pier42 mostly empty. Zim Rio Grande is currently in the outer anchorages. Zim Barcelona departed pier 41 earlier but was unable to sail due to high seas and wind shutting down pilotage operations. Zim rio grande is unable to enter for the same reason.

One vessel did enter port. The offshore tug Ryan Leat has a pilotage exemption

Nothing Moving Today.

With 21 foot seas reported in the approaches, the pilot boats are staying put. Pilotage ops are suspended,with updates every 2 hours. As a result Atlantic Cartier, and Kiel Express are paceing outside the harbour, and the car carrier Don Juan is staying put at autoport, despite being scheduled to leave yesterday evening. OOCL California is also ready to depart when weather improves.

Traffic Tieups Due to NY Port Closure.

A rare Sight, a very lightly loaded OOCL Antwerp is at anchor in the basin for a few Hours this Morning. Halifax is suffering from a traffic jam, as a result of the Sandy induced Port Closure in New York.

Italy Express (right) is Tied up, Scheduled to depart later today bound for NY. Duseldorf Express (left) was likely also affected, and is taking bunkers. Zim Panama is also waiting for Halterm in the outer anchorage.

Photos to Come.

Below OOCL Antwerp Boarding her Pilot to move to Fairview cove in place of Italy Express

Halifax’s New Pilot Boat

In Feb 2011 the Atlantic Pilotage Authority signed a contract with ABCO in Lunenburg for new pilot boats for Halifax and Saint John. Given the Name,Chebucto Pilot, This one appears to be destined for Halifax.

 The boats were designed by Lengkeek Vessel Engineering. The design was based on criteria established by a joint design team consisting of APA pilots, launch crews, Board Members, and Management. These 17 metre aluminum vessels will operate at a service speed of 18 knots.

For Construction Photos, and a photos of historical Pilot Boats, Look at the APA’s Flickr Page

Misc Traffic

Bulker Torm Pacific Arriving to anchor in the Basin.

MM707 Towing a Towed sensor Array

CFAV Quest, Sailing in Circles in the basin. recent reports have her returning from a t rip to European Waters. There are photos of her in the Kiel Canal.

More Men on Ladders – boarding a Frigate:

The Rickmears Soeul also tied up at halterm with a load of wind turbines this past week. I have Junk Photos (mostly fence) so I wont bother posting them.

Pilot Boarding

This Activity normally takes place of Chebucto head, While Moving, and out of sight of most on lookers. Today the Pilots Boarded the Tanker Serifopoulo to dock her at Imperial Oil.

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