Monthly Archives: March 2013
Bulk Costa Rica
Atlantic Towing Buys Atlantic Kestrals Sister
last summer, Atlantic towing Announced they had purchased the Jaya Supreme, To be come Atlantic Kesteral. An Article in the March issue of Tug and OSV Magazine lets slip at the End that Atlantic Towing has also purchased her sister ship Jaya Soverign. No ATL Bird name has yet been assigned.
You can read the Article here (PDF).
In A seperate Article (PDF), In the Jan/Feb issue of Offshore Support Journal, ATL explains that the vessel was purchased to meet the tender requirements for supporting the Drill Rig West Aquarious working off Newfoundland. Given the Tight timelines, the Purchase of an available vessel makes sence rather then building a new one from scratch. They expect both vessels to find work as the Hebron field is developed.
Cyprus Galaxy makes a quick Stop
Jan Van Gent.. Again.
Another Shot of Jan Van Gent for Nirint, Unlike other Nirint vessels she likes to tie up bow forward, Since her cranes are on her Starboard side, As opposed to other vessels where they are on the port side.
You can find Previous Nirint Visits Here
Ships Passing
New Container Service to Halifax.
APL today issued a release announcing a new service to Halifax. The G6 Alliance started in March 2012 to provide service in the Asia-to-Europe trade and will now be expanded to cover the Asia-to-North America East Coast trade. The members are: APL, Hapag-Lloyd, Hyundai Merchant Marine, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Nippon Yusen Kaisha and Orient Overseas Container Line.
The New AZX Service will route from Laem Chabang – Singapore – Colombo – (Suez Canal) – Damietta – Cagliari – Halifax – New York – Savannah – Norfolk – Cagliari – Damietta – (Suez Canal) – Jebel Ali – Singapore – Laem Chabang
The two services AEX (The New World Alliance) and PAX (Grand Alliance) which currently call in Halifax at Fairview Cove will not be affected by the new cooperation and will continue to sail unchanged. These represent the bulk of the Hapag Llyod and OOCL Trafic to Fiariview Cove. The New Service may also cause OOCL and Hapag Lloyd to reshuffle vessels. No word on which pier; Halterm or Fairview Cove the new service will use.
Star Kilimanjero
The Star Kilimanjaro arrived at pier 28 this Morning. She is an open hatch general cargo bulk carrier with two 70 MT gantry cranes on deck and 11 box-shaped cargo holds intended for the carriage of baled pulp, ore, grain, cement, paper, packaged lumber and other solid bulk cargoes.
She was built in 2009 and is owned By Grieg International, and operated by their subsitdury grieg Star Lines, both of Norway. You Can see the vesels particulars here (PDF)
Crew Jump Ship
I have received word that two crew members of the Egyptian vessel Wadi AlArab jumped ship yesterday – presumably before it sailed. One of them was apparently apprehended in Amherst. I have heard no other reports of this incident from other sources.
Google however did lead to a CBC report from April 2003 that this vessel was quarantined off Halifax, as the first mate had died, apparently from Anthrax. The Stoies can be found Here and here.
Atlantic Superior Departs
Atlantic Superior left Pier 26 this morning where she spent the winter, and headed for National Gypsum in the Basin. As vessel who sails the ocean, but also spends a great deal of time in the great lakes, Superior ties up for 4 months when the St Lawrence Seaway is Icebound Inland of Montreal. The 4 month closue allows ships to undergo a period of maintinace, without affecting schedules.
The Seaway is set to open march 22. Atlantic Superior is bound for Montreal, ETA 0600 on the 22nd.
UPDATE 03/19: She sailed today National Gypsum for Montreal. (Photo Above)